
after all(for all和after all的区别)

2022-03-11 09:12




Maybe Chen's concept of bringing art to the masses isn't all bad afterall.也许陈的概念艺术的群众带来的并不全是坏女孩。

2、after all 是一个词组,关联词。

意思是:毕竟,到底(这个到底指“最终还是”,有出乎意料的意味),一般用在肯定句中 。

after all有两个用法:

1、人表示“毕竞”,“终究”,“到底”,含有和预期的情况相反或“虽然.,但还是….”的让步意义.表示此意时,after all 一般放句末.


So you did come after all.这么说你到底还是来了。

I thouht I would fail the exam ,but I passed after all.我原想考试难及格,可我还是及格了。尽管他们遇到很多困难.可我听说他们还是成功了.

2、表示“别忘了……,”“总之.”“毕竟”,这时的after all一般故在句首,用来提醒对方(听话的人)似乎忘记了一个重要事实,忽略了某个重要的理由或论点。


①Why is he not allowed to stay here?After all,It's his home.为什么它呆在这儿不回家呢?毕竟这是他的家啊。

②After all,she is a child.别忘了他是个小孩。


1)、Well, guess what, some of the same experts behind that mandate are now proposing the opposite: don't automate those tests afterall.哦,你猜怎么着,现在有些相同背景的专家正在提出相反的意见:千万别把那些测试自动化了。

2)、When I got to know this poor figure andheard her story I felt worse for her plight than for my own (I, afterall, I thought I had everything to in front of me). 但在我听到这个可怜的女人的故事的时候,我觉得她比我还惨(毕竟,我还有果酱和面包)。

3)、Afterall, one might argue, the aim of selling art is the same whether in a humblefair booth, or anexaggerated mansion. 也许有人会争辩,不管在简陋的交易会展位上,还是在夸张的大厦里,销售艺术品的目的都是一样的。

after all造句:

1)、Don't blame him,after all he is only a child。别责备他,他毕竟只是个孩子啊。

2)、He is very lazy,but he passed the exam after all。他很懒,但还是考及格了。

3)、I was tired and walked more slowly,but went home after all。我很累走得慢,但最终还是到家了。

相关关键词:after all
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